Our onboarding process is quite simple and self-explanatory.
You will be guided through it logically step by step in your honesto app.
If a friend has recommended honesto to you, you can scan his QR code or enter his code on this page:
Further, we need some infos:
In the next step, you will need to confirm your email address by clicking on the link we sent to your email address.
You are now logged in.
Please note, that the onboarding is not yet completed.
To start the final process, simply tap the "Deposit"-button.
Now we start the final onboarding process:
First, we need some more personal information. Please note that you are opening a swiss bank account for cryptocurrencies. Your data is stored securely.
Next, we need to know the source of wealth and source of funds.
Now we need to know if you are a PEP (Politically Exposed Person)
Still the question, if you want to trade more than CHF 100'000.-.
If you deposit more than CHF 100'000.-, we need some more information.
We will contact you immediately.
The final step is a video call, where we scan your ID and make sure everything is correct. After the video call, you will receive a final email that you need to open and click a link.
And voilà, you have set up a swiss crypto bank account! Congratulations, now you are free to trade. Have fun!